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My Best Children Books

I love reading since I was kid. Famous Five  is one of my fave books. This adventure stories of Kirrins Brothers was written by a famous author from UK, Enid Blyton. I found this book at library by chance on a stack of books while searching for a very ' unyu' book : PETUALANGAN BARBIE.  I was on third grade elementry school at the time. It was Five: Have Plenty Of Fun, the 1st book of this series that I read  and  thought it was an interesting book. Then, I asked my dad to buy me some.

There are 21 series of Five. But it’s hard to find these series lately. Let’s say, It’s 'ancient' books. Already published in 1942, 3 years before the Independent Day Of Indonesia. Far..far before I’m exist, even my parents. hehe. You might see how old this book is. But sadly, I haven’t read them all yet.

A couple days ago, I browsed on Youtube and so excited when I found the drama series of this book on youtube. The movie series had been  made for 2 versions. But I love this version (pointing the video above), all the characters just same as what I've thought and imagine. 
By the way, this is the book that made me interested in England so much. The setting took place in somewhere on the Great Britain country named Kirrin (it must be just a 'fiction' village) but the description of the valley, the landscape, the building, the castle , the island or even the culture and tradition made me curious to be there. Just like Ikal who dreamed for Edensor, I dreamed for Kirrin and wishing someday will be in England, and go to some kind of place like Kirrin. I dreamed about England faaaar before I'm thinking of USA. Since I was in eElementry school. But, tadaaaaaa..God sent me to USA first, I'm thanking for that  but still keep wishing to be in England someday.
Eniwei, beside Famous Five, My favorite adventure books is Alfred Hitchcock and the Three Investigators. It’s also an ancient book, (but not as ancient as Famous Five). Written by Robert Arthur Jr (not Alfred Hitchcock,a famous film director from England) and published  for the first time in 1964. There are 43 series of this book. And as Famous Five, I just have read some of them. If Famous Five was set in England, The Three Investigators was set in USA, correctly in Rocky Beach, Los Angeles, California. You won't find that town on Google Map because just like Kirrin, Rocky Beach is also just a fiction town. Comparing to Famous Five, the story of Alfred Hitchcock and the Three Investigators is more compicated. If Famous Five was addressed to children, Alfred Hitchcock and the Three Investigators was for teenagers. But I'm wondering if teenagers these days read these kind of books. Hmm.
"Julian, Dick, Georgina, Anne,  Timmy, Jupiter, Pete and Bob I think I miss them. It’s been a long time since I never fall into adventure with them.”


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